錄取 美國資訊工程碩士 (Computer Science ) – 舊金山大學 University of San Francisco/伊利諾理工學院 Illinois Institute Technology/ 史蒂文斯理工學院Steven Institute of Technology

錄取 美國資訊工程碩士 (Computer Science ) – 舊金山大學 University of San Francisco/伊利諾理工學院 Illinois Institute Technology/ 史蒂文斯理工學院Steven Institute of Technology

背景 :

Bachelor Degree: Earth and Environment Science (中正大學)
Master Degree (postponed) : Mechanical and Electrical-Mechanical Engineering (淡江大學)

Apply for : Computer science

我還記得在 2017 年一月收到P.H. 的 e-mail。他說他陸續地收到了2016年已申請學校的 rejection信,所以對出國留學很沒把握。所以打算尋求幫忙,並希望藉著與我的合作,之後送出去的申請文件能夠避免收到其他的 rejection。

[能夠避免收到其他的 rejection。]


我並非全能,也無法保證協助過的對象一定能被學校錄取。只是絕對會盡我所能的協助申請人將本身的優勢,完整並有技巧地呈現在申請文件中。因為我不希望看見努力打拼的人,只是因為寫作的方式、語言或文化的隔閡甚至是不了解 admissions committee 所看重的點、導致讓自己的才華無法被看見、無法實現夢想。

我回信告訴 P.H…..

…… there is really no guarantee whether you may or may not get in. Pursuing a dream is never easy, so you just need to present the best you can be and try your very best.


之後我們修改文章的過程,我見證了他付出的努力…. always trying his very best to respond to my comments and suggestions to improve his SOP and CV.



"Dear Evon,

看完你修改的CV 跟SOP 後是我第一次覺得有希望的時候。

Yesterday I have received the mail from University San Francisco that I got admitted to MS in computer science. USF is the first school that I got admission, other schools are still pending there decision. Thank you for your helping. You are the best professional consultant.

Thank you for helping, Evon. "
"今天早上收信的時候收到第二間學校:Illinois Institute Technology 入取通知。"


"I want to tell you a good news. This morning, I receive an email from Steven Institute of Technology. I was admitted by the program of computer science. This is the third school that gave me the admission."

其中的一所學校也願意提供  financial aids 🙂

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