錄取 美國生物醫學工程碩士學位 (MS Biomedical Engineering) 卡內基梅隆大學 Carnegie Mellon University、康乃爾大學 Cornell University、杜克大學Duke University

錄取 美國生物醫學工程碩士學位 (MS Biomedical Engineering) 卡內基梅隆大學 Carnegie Mellon University、康乃爾大學 Cornell University、杜克大學Duke University

Hi Evon,

I have been admitted to BME MS program of CMU, Duke and Cornell,
and I decided to enter CMU in this fall!

Thank you for all the help and efforts.
I am so excited to share this happiness with you! ……the SOP and CV helped a lot!
Thanks again!

C.H. 大學是畢業於電機系Mechanical Engineering ,雖然此科系與他想要申請的醫學工程 Biomedical Engineering,同有個engineering 這個字, 但是畢竟還是有些差異。我很欣賞他勇於突破,想跨領域深造的想法,也很高興他收到了許多offer,希望他在美國一切都順利。


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