錄取 美國神經科學博士班 (PhD in Neuroscience ) University of Georgia 美國喬治亞大學

錄取 美國神經科學博士班 (PhD in Neuroscience ) University of Georgia 美國喬治亞大學

Hi Evon,
You really helped me a lot with my SOP. After your modification and guidance, the structure was entirely different and absolutely attractive in more succinct manner. Those faculties were impressed and admired me for the writing.
Not just for the application, I believe that through discussing with you and trying to rewrite the article by myself, I’ll be more familiar with English writing, and it’ll be definitely helpful in the future. I’m so excited and ready for the adventure in the US!!

As you know, my research experiences covered various areas, and it might be not concentrated for my applications at first glance. Yet with your proper narrative, they became my solid background; I learned a lot from you and I believe it will be helpful in writing my thesis in the future. Thank you so much again!!

A.W 碩班時主要做的是neuroscience的project,將來也希望在該領域繼續研究,尤其在臨床疾病與治療的部分,但不知道SOP該怎麼調整才不至於將範圍縮得太小,而寫得太廣又擔心讓人認為沒有目標,

He made it this round!!

恭喜他順利申請到博士班, 即將啟程來美國!

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