錄取 外商金融企業 Associate Consultant

錄取 外商金融企業 Associate Consultant

C.K. 是我以前協助過英文面試的在學生。

後來看著他過關斬將的從拿到 Morgan Stanley Summer Analyst的offer,無縫接軌到畢業後直接升為前幾大金融企業的associate consultant!他現任的公司有超過上萬個金融機構會員,並在美國紐約證券交易所上市。

之前他完成summer analyst 後,從未鬆懈下來,我們又陸續完成了許多商用英文的課程,我必須說,我很喜歡與他上課,因為他求知心很強,每次我給他的功課,他都最到最好,凡事盡心盡力,。

最近全球的疫情來勢洶洶,而許多公司都凍結了招聘,在這樣艱難的求職環境中,他能大學一畢業就在大公司拿到 associate consultant,這是連很多碩士生都覺得很困難的事,我很以他為榮!

Hi Evon,

Hope you are well. 
I am excited to share that I will work as an associate consultant next month!
The classes we have gone through helped me a lot during my application process. Thank you for your effort and support. I am so grateful that I can land on my ideal job successfully in the current situation.

Thanks again for your help. Stay safe and healthy in this environment!

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